City and Colour – Dubai

“And this is my story of Dubai – it’s not the telling of things that everyone already knows about, it is more about stories of bravery and endurance, to dream big and look for opportunities in a land that constantly reminds you to rise higher…”

Directed by Kamil Roxas
Supported by Nissan Middle East, Bareface Agency
Cinematography: Kamil Roxas, Steve Erana, Charlie Drilon
Narrators: May Sayed Ali, Mo Ismail, Vernay Redbul Locke
Music by December Rent
Special thanks: Dubai Centre for Special Needs, Alserkal Avenue, The Empty Quarter, Christopher Lawrence Trasmano, Franzine Artista, Mylene Gomera, Jerus King, Alita Roxas

See all the episodes here:

UAE Travelogue Series – Dubai




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