UAE Travelogue Series – Fujairah

Episode 1. Land and Sea – Fujairah.

A passion project from Hello Project Space, The UAE Travelogue Series is a 7-part web video series that looks to explore all the different Emirates — in an attempt to show its culture, heritage and landmarks — and hear it from the perspective and thoughts of individuals who enjoy taking that journey.

Travelogue is by definition a story about the places visited and experiences encountered by a traveler. One who goes out in search of a new adventure, out in the open road, a neighboring town, up in the mountains, under the sea — and it will involve a lot of getting lost, making friends of strangers, and why not because this series happens right in our backyards. And it will make for some good storytelling.

Here we go!

Shot by Kamil Roxas, Steve Erana, Jerus King
Narrated by Linnea Sage
Music by Joachim Heinrich

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